In the past, I've suffered from burnout, depression, mood swings (both high and low) which led to weight issues and a subsequent lack of confidence...

My Life Experience

I've reached some very low points in my life, even to the point where I couldn't muster the energy or motivation to get out of bed. As a single teenage parent to a now very happily married wife, parent, grandparent & successful business owner, there is very little in life I have not experienced.

The first lesson that life wasn't all rosy was losing my best friend aged 18 to a tragic accident so grief moved in next door to me at such an early age. I have experienced the loss of both parents, divorce, relationship break ups, financial worries.


My Turning Point

My life took a turn when I learned that I had the power to choose how I showed up every day.

Applying conscious change was a game changer. I owe eternal gratitude to my coaches, Donna and Cheryl, for helping and teaching me this but it wasn’t just the knowledge I gained it was the inspired action I took with the new learnings that was a game changer.

There's a great NLP belief.. "if I can do it, any one can"

What lights me up... other than helping people its spending quality time with my hubby Trevor, our 2 rescue dogs along with our 3 beautiful granddaughters. I love everything outdoors, hiking, connecting with nature, skiing, scuba diving and exploring new countries. I love pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone and love to learn new things. Thats what lights me up. I look forward to helping you find your light. 

I’m Here to Help You

Get in touch and take that first step to a happier you. 

Let’s Change the Game